About the Journal

Daryaft is an Open Access Urdu research and critical inquiry journal, with the following identifiers: E-ISSN: 2616-6038, P-ISSN: 1814-2885. It is published by the Department of Urdu Language & Literature, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan. The first issue was released in January 2002, and as of Jan 2025, thirty-two issues have been published. Since June 2016, Daryaft has been published bi-annually, in June and December. The journal includes unpublished, research-based articles focusing on Urdu language and literature.

Daryaft features unpublished, research-based articles related to Urdu language and literature. All submitted articles undergo a double-blind peer review process by technical experts. In 2005, the journal was selected for inclusion in the approved list of HEC journals. Since 2011, it has been indexed in several prominent databases and indexing agencies, including DOAJ, MLA, ROAD, Crossref, EBSCO, SIS, ISI, BASE, Google Scholar, Tehqiqat, and the Index of Urdu Journals.


Editorial Team

Dr. Zafar Ahmad
Editor Research Journal Daryaft, Department of Urdu, NUML, Islamabad

Email: daryaft@numl.edu.pk 

Office +92 51 9265100-10 Ext: 2262

Dr. Abu Bakar Saddique Rathore
Managing-Editor Research Journal Daryaft, Department of Urdu, NUML, Islamabad

Muhammad Irfan
Research Assistant, Daryaft, Department of Urdu, NUML, Islamabad