Call For Paper

Deadline for Submission of Research Articles on OJS (with Initial submission fee and send details on :

For  June Issue: 1st to 28th February

For Dec Issue: 1st to 30th August

Basic information about the Papers

The specialty of Daryaft is to present articles in the following categories of Urdu language and literature. Articles excluding these categories will not be considered.

1. Research (Textual, Subjective, Biographical) In this category it is necessary that the article must cover textual, Subjective, biographical research about the classical era. The classical forms of Urdu literature and related documents, antiques, and manuscripts are also parts of this category.

2. Discussions (Intellectual, Critical) Articles in this category should about the intellectual and critical discussion like modern western theories of criticism, classical and modern thoughts, theories of eastern criticism, the evolution and development of Urdu criticism, and related texts, different arts relating literature, etc. The discussions in the said category should be related to the Urdu language and literature.

3. Poetry (Research and Analysis) In this category articles covering different genres of Urdu poetry like Nazm, Ghazal, Qasida, Marsia, Masnavi, and others are treated. The different shades like evolution, philosophical perspective, contemporary issues, and objective studies based on related texts of these genres are welcomed.

4. Language and Linguistics Lingual research (old and new) in Urdu and contemporary linguistic discussions are part of this category. However, modern linguistic discussions must be connected to the Urdu language.

5. Iqbal Studies Iqbaliat is a permanent category of Daryaft. Research articles about Iqbal’s prose, poetry, life, and services are included. 

6. Research/Criticism Research and Criticism as a subject are parts of this category. Research about classical Urdu literature, classical and modern discussions of criticism, related documents, and manuscripts are also parts of this category. 

7. Urdu Fiction (Research and Analysis) Articles about Urdu fiction (classical and modern) included in this category. This is a broad category and has distinguished identity status in the journal. Research-based studies of classical Urdu Myths, Novel, Short story, Drama, and Inshaia are considered in this category. 

8. Non-Fictional Urdu Prose (Research and Analysis)This category entertained critical and analytical study of non-fictional Urdu prose like Letters, Essays, Autobiographies, Biographies, Columns, and Reportages, etc.  

9. Translations (Research and Analysis)This category is for the articles discussing the art of translation or research in this field. Critical and analytical studies of translated works in Urdu from different languages are included. 


Please observe the categories mentioned above before sending your research articles for Daryaft. 

For more information see the author guidelines.